Monday, October 24, 2011


Internship. A common word for university students. What runs through your mind when you think of internship? Hard work with low pay? Reports and evaluations? NAH.
For me, internship comes with the wrong timing. I have great opportunities ahead, right after accepting one of the company. Yes of course the company is good enough. Way better than what I've expected. But why are there always better opportunities after my confirmation? ISH. I hate.
I will start my life as an intern next month, working in a production company. And hereby the phone calls came in. From the leading event company in Malaysia to the biggest magazine company. Another opportunity gone today, working in MIFA as the director's personal assistant.
Why? Why? Why?


Timing, why you fool me?
Opportunities, why you no come earlier?
Chances. why you come all together?
Temptations, why you disturb me?
Promises, I have to keep them.

But then.........
God has His plan for me and I think it will be a good one.
Fingers crossed!
Here I come yo TVC production!

Wish me luck for tomorrow's paper. Final exam FML

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