Monday, January 10, 2011


Kids are smarter nowadays that more and more of them are doing their tertiary education at a young age of 11 or 12! Alright I know that I'm the ORDINARY one but they are just way too SMART. It's way beyond the standard and sometimes I just wonder that could they handle the tasks in an appropriate way? How would they deal with the circumstances when it comes to like: emotional stuffs? What if they are having difficulties in working with their assignment teammates? Are their thinking mature enough to tally with their intelligence? Hmm.... I'm not being harsh but that's the way it is. My cousin is a very smart kid and he knows mostly everything. However he will still behave and act like what he supposed to be, a 13 year old KID. He will still play around and fight although he has this COOL knowledge on astronomy. He's expert in Physics but when it comes to deep conversation, he still can't make an appropriate statement. But at least he's still enjoying his life as a kid and a teenager! But how about the others? They are busy doing assignments while their peers are playing UNO cards. They are doing their research paper while the girlfriends are shopping in the mall. Apparently this leads to depression due to the uncomforted heart they have. They have lost their rights of enjoying childhood. So think about it parents! Do you want your children to grow up in that way? Please handle them with care!

Oh ya before I forget, there's a 12 year old kiddo doing A-Levels in UCSI. Feel free to drop by at our campus and visit.

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