Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today was rather a happy day although I had gone through a lot.
I've never experience such period pain before.
I guess it's just too stressful and maybe I don't have enough rest these days.
It was so painful that I barely could walk.
But it did get better when I've started to stand up, warm up a bit.
And I did manage to travel between blocks to distribute my survey form for the assignment.
Guess what?
I even asked the security guard and the lady working in the bookstore to help!
Great effort huh?
Don't doubt it.
I know I'm good.
Praise me praise me!
By the way I'm so grateful that my group members had actually paid great efforts in accomplishing this assignment.
They still contribute their best although they are not very good in doing it.
Most of them are doing the first assignment in their life.
So never expect them to be too good.
But well. So far so good.
At least the progress are going smoothly.
I'm glad.
I do.


OK now the story for another assignment.
Yeah I'm kind of busy.
I've actually crapped a 3 pages long content (with no spacing yet) in like 30 minutes?
I've been amazed by myself these days.
I know I'm cool.
Praise me praise me.
By the way the content is good.
Ceh speaking for my own.


Anyway I like the movie "Milk".
You guys should watch it.
Trust me, it's a movie worth watching!

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